Led by Three Core Values
At New Beginnings Community Center, we're committed to creating an environment that is professional, caring and has the best in mind for every individual affected by traumatic brain injury (TBI), physical disabilities, cognitive disabilities or dementia. As part of our overall mission, we're led by three core values: hope, healing, and understanding.
Every survivor of traumatic brain injury and with a physical or cognitive disability should have hope for a better future and optimum quality of life. New Beginnings Community Center serves as a beacon of such hope. As individuals working as a community, we will provide hope to every facet of our team that, together, we can make a difference for virtually everyone connected to the TBI community-at-large.
New Beginnings Community Center fervently promotes healing—physical, psychological and holistic. Our general approach is to operate as part of a facility dedicated to providing long-term rehabilitation services to survivors of traumatic brain injuries and other physical and cognitive disabilities. We believe that a stimulating environment which treats the whole person is a key to facilitating progress. Our hope is that other like-minded professionals and organizations will join New Beginnings Community Center and that, together, we will afford TBI survivors, as well as those with physical and cognitive disabilities or dementia, the greatest opportunity to reach their potential and sustain the higher quality of life they deserve.
A community is a group of people who have come together, and they work and they live to try and improve the standard of living and quality of life.
˜ William Baldwin
Often times, survivors of traumatic brain injury and other physical and cognitive disabilities become isolated and feel misunderstood. At New Beginnings, we believe that being part of an empathetic community is an essential ingredient of a good quality of life. Our goal is to offer individuals such an opportunity. In addition, we are committed to increasing the understanding of individuals who are not members of our community by raising public awareness. Improving quality of life also involves understanding the factors leading to the disability. Thus, New Beginnings is committed to enhanced research of how to provide better long-term rehabilitation to survivors of traumatic brain injury and other physical and cognitive disorders.